Too Many Tomatoes?

by Em
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I’m pretty sure the last thing I need while participating in a CSA share over the summer is more tomatoes, yet I still couldn’t stop myself from picking up a few plants at the garden center recently.

I really like the heirloom black tomatoes because they have a sweet yet smoky taste. My favorite is ‘Cherokee Purple’ (indeterminate – 80 days). It’s wonderful raw in sandwiches and salads, but it also tastes good on homemade pizza—one of my favorite ways to enjoy tomatoes. I couldn’t resist buying a ‘Cherokee Purple’ plant.

I intended to stop there, but then I spotted nearby ‘Black Prince’ (indeterminate – 70 days). I’ve heard a lot of good things about this popular black heirloom. It’s perfect for growing in northern climates because it’s originally from Siberia. It’s felt like Siberia around here this spring, so I knew tomato #2 would feel right at home.

I almost made it to the checkout counter, but on my way I noticed another shopper carrying around a black cherry tomato plant. I didn’t even know there was such a thing. I went back to the tomato plants to search for it. The appropriately-named ‘Black Cherry’ (indeterminate – 65 days) has split-resistant fruits with what is described as a “classic black tomato flavor”. Count me in!

I may regret my purchases in late August and early September when I’m buried in organic, heirloom tomatoes from my CSA, but right now I’m excited just thinking about that first bite.

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