Which Way, Jim?

by Em
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I have no idea how daylily ‘Which Way Jim’ got its name, but i would like to think it has something to do with the fickle nature of the flowers. The registered description is “a dark black purple with faint, dusted purple eyezone above a triangle lemon-to-green throat.”

The eyezone on my flowers is rarely faint which is why I love this cultivar. There’s sort of a smoky-purple look to the petals, and the eyezone just pops out at you:

However, sometimes ‘Which Way Jim’ is shy about showing off his eyezone and you get this:

which way jim (3)

And other times the petals are even more faded and have an almost velvety look to them:

Whatever personality ‘Which Way Jim’ decides to showcase, the flowers are eye-catching and the plants are heavy bloomers.

‘Which Way Jim’ grows 26 inches tall with 6-inch, fragrant flowers that appear in the middle of the daylily season.

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