Orienpet Lily ‘Robina’

by Em

Last fall I planted a couple of ‘Robina’ Orienpet lilies next to our screen porch in a bed that has become a favorite bunny hangout this summer. Despite having all their lower leaves chewed off and their stems gnawed into, a few of the lilies managed to survive and bloom as if nothing at all happened to them:

I’m used to growing the beautiful pink or white Oriental lilies with their freckles and flames, so in my opinion, ‘Robina’ is lacking some excitement in the looks department. However, ‘Robina’ does not hold back on the fragrance, so it was a good choice for next to our screen porch.

The flowers are 7 inches wide and are mostly outfacing.

‘Robina’ grows 4 feet tall and is hardy in Zones 5-9.

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