Zinnia Profusion ‘Double Fire’

by Em
1 comment

Put on your sunglasses before proceeding.

Profusion Zinnia ‘Double Fire’ is so shockingly fiery-red-orange that it’s hard to look at the flowers without squinting:

Like other Profusions, ‘Double Fire’ grows about 14 to 18 inches tall on bushy plants that resist disease and aren’t bothered by insect pests.

‘Double Fire’ is an annual that looks great planted with golden-yellow flowers, but it really stands out with dark-purple flowers like salvias. The plants are easy to sprout from seed indoors and they don’t need deadheading to keep putting on their stunning show.

Every year I plant more and more Profusion zinnias because they’re just so darn easy to grow and bloom their little hearts out all summer long.

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1 comment

jamesck18 December 4, 2013 - 4:11 pm

Beautiful! Might decide to plant a few zinnias next summer. Will take a look at the Profusion series. James

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