Amaryllis ‘Amalfi’

by Em

Another amaryllis has opened. This is ‘Amalfi’:

“Amalfi’ is a miniature amaryllis cultivar with dark rose-pink flowers and a green throat. It was bred to outperform other amaryllis plants with an impressive number of scapes and flowers, but in that regard it has fallen short. My bulb has sent up 2 scapes so far and the one that is blooming has only 4 flowers on it—nothing to get excited about.

‘Amalfi’ grows 12 to 18 inches high. My plant has topped out at 15 inches. The blooming scape is sturdy and doesn’t lean drastically toward the sunny window like some cultivars do, so it doesn’t need staking. That I can appreciate.

The 4-inch flowers are pretty, but I’ve seen this color before on cultivars that bloom more heavily and with bigger flowers.

It isn’t over ’til it’s over, but if two scapes is all I get from ‘Amalfi’, I probably wouldn’t grow it again.


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