Amaryllis ‘Cocktail’

by Em

When amaryllis ‘Cocktail’ first opened up, I thought I must’ve whacked into it because the flower was pointing down at a sharp angle. However when the second large bud appeared and began to open, it too began a slow downward descent. I was not pleased.

Downward-facing flowers are one of my few gardening pet peeves. How can you enjoy the flowers if you have to bend way over to see them? I was about to advise that ‘Cocktail’ would be a great amaryllis for people who spend a lot of time on the floor gazing upward, but before I could write a cranky post about those goofy flowers, they changed direction again.

After “staring” at the ground for almost two days, the flowers slowing began rising and are now fully out-facing.

My plant is only 12 inches tall, but the flowers are huge—6+ inches. Those vivid, scarlet-red flowers are splashed with a white star and have a yellow-green throat.

I’m glad the flowers got out of their funk and perked up, because when you can actually see them they are quite impressive.

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