My Most Successful Crop

by Em
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I don’t know what weed this is, but I’m not exaggerating when I say I have a “gazillion billion katrillion” of them growing in my flowerbeds. They are taking over the world. They pop up in clumps of a hundred or more and even rear their ugly heads in tight spaces like the center of a daylily clump.

I keep pulling them out, but they keep multiplying. I’ve even applied Preen to the flowerbeds a few times in hopes of preventing any new seeds from sprouting, but these particular weeds just laugh it off. In fact I’m pretty sure I can hear their laughter drifting through the window as I type this.

Fortunately they are easy to pull out of the ground, but I don’t dare skip a few days of weeding or I’ll quickly have a jungle that would frighten even Jack from Jack in the Beanstalk.

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