The Lettuce Offensive

by Em
1 comment

The extended weather forecast looks promising, so the other day I planted some kale seeds in a barrel and some lettuce seeds in another barrel. The kale barrel was still covered in chicken wire from last year, but the lettuce barrel was exposed. I should have known better than to leave it uncovered, but every spring after a 5-month respite from fighting critters for supremacy, I emerge from winter complacent and naive.

Sure enough, a mere 8 hours later I discovered that the lettuce barrel had been ravaged by squirrels. They churned up the soil and left ruts and and holes everywhere. Since I couldn’t be sure any of the seeds were even in the barrel anymore, I reseeded it and covered it—Fort Knox-style—in chicken wire and deer fencing.

The next day I was at a garden center and saw a little pot full of salad greens. My first thought was “How cute!”and my second was “Take that, squirrels!” I had to have one.

I’m not even sure what’s in it besides lettuce…perhaps chicory or sorrel or some other fancy greens? All I know is that it gives me some insurance in case my lettuce seeds suffer another demise. You’d think I would be comforted, but I’m already seeing my “bowl of salad” through the eyes of all the giant rabbits in the neighborhood.

After a long winter, I’m starting to remember that gardening is war.

Rose Is Rose

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1 comment

Em’s Garden » Kalelets! April 23, 2009 - 5:37 am

[…] that was fast. On Sunday I reseeded my Kale barrel (no thanks to the squirrels). If you put on your reading glasses and scrunch your nose right up to the soil, you can already see […]

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