
by Em
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Last Friday I received my first fall bulb order—all daffodil bulbs—and the weather cooperated nicely for planting. I filled in some spots in my flowerbeds where the chipmunks and squirrels destroyed my tulip bulbs last year. Daffodil bulbs have a poison in them that makes them unattractive to rodents. I’m sure that won’t stop my little enemies from digging them up anyway. We shall see.

Yesterday I received another package that included some tulips and hyacinths that I intend to force indoors for winter blooms as well as some amaryllis bulbs. Check out this amaryllis monster. John Scheepers certainly does not skimp on the size of their bulbs (I have no connection with them):

There were also a few more daffodil cultivars and some grape hyacinths in that shipment, but they will have to wait to be planted. We got an inch of rain over the last couple of days, and it’s a bit soggy outside right now.

My last order should arrive soon. Against my better judgment I’ve decided to plant a few more Orienpet lilies (a.k.a. rodent candy). The show they put on over the summer was nothing short of spectacular, and I can’t get enough of them.

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