Still a Nice Surprise

by Em
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My ‘Pink Surprise’ amaryllis impressed me with its huge flowers last year, and it was the first amaryllis to bloom for me. This year the bulb took its time and waited an extra month before sending up scapes.

The flowers are gorgeous. They are dark pink with a hint of coral or perhaps salmon. Last year the blooms were 7 inches in diameter. This year some of them are a whopping 8 inches. I cut off the anthers from all my amaryllis blooms because its been very dry and the slightest bump or wisp of air causes pollen to fly everywhere.

Last winter the scapes topped out at 17 inches even though the plant is supposed to grow 22 to 26 inches tall. This time ‘Pink Surprise’ is overachieving. The first scape is 28 inches tall.

So far there’s only one scape with four flowers. Hopefully the bulb will send up one more scape before it goes dormant.


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