Tiny Miracle

by Em

Winter is having a very hard time letting go, and because of the cold temperatures—we’ve been running about 20 degrees below average—my basement is much colder than it usually is this time of year. I sowed my first flower seeds two weeks ago but they have been very slow to germinate.

Rudbeckias like it warm so they’ve been very hit or miss so far, but I’ve gotten nearly 100% germination from my ‘Santa Cruz Sunset’ Begonias. They sat dormant in the soil for about 10 days and then popped out all at once.

I start plants indoors every year and yet it still amazes me that something that starts out this tiny…

…will grow into this in just a couple of months:

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jamesck18 March 2, 2015 - 8:23 am

Just as you, we are having colder than normal temperatures. Last Thursday I started five types of Rudbeckias in my study, using the Baggie method since the section of our basement is too cold for seed starting. The Denver Daisy are rooting well, but the others are taking their time. I’m hoping to get at least a a half dozen or so of each type. Right now it’s a waiting game.
Great to see your Begonia seedling – a reminder that warmer temperatures are not too far off.
When do you sow your Coreopsis Roulette? I was thinking I will start mine soon. The next month will be a busy one.
Great to see the three garden pictures you posted about a week ago. Beautiful colors and everything so well manicured. Let me know how your seeding is coming along. James

Em March 2, 2015 - 2:44 pm

Hi James!

I explained the garden photos in more detail for you in the comments under that post from February 19th. I’m glad you enjoyed them:


Last year I started ‘Roulette’ 6 weeks before my frost date (so I started them the first week of April). I usually make notes when something is started too late or too early, and I see nothing written for ‘Roulette’ so 6 weeks must’ve been good timing last year. This year I’m going to try a little experiment and sow the seeds directly outside (only because I’m tight on space inside—someone ordered a few too many seeds this year).

I usually sow my newest batch of seeds every Monday. Today it was only a couple dozen coleus plants. Next week will be a biggie with all of my petunias and most of my salvias. That will be a tall order of a little over 600 plants. I’ll probably spread the work out over a couple of days so I’m not in the basement all day. I think it’s finally supposed to warm up a little next week so I shouldn’t be so chilly down there either.

Be patient with your rudbeckias. They get cranky in the cold, but they should eventually sprout for you!

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