Before the Beheadings

by Em
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I’m pretty sure my next-door neighbors thought I’d taken leave of my senses during the last two weeks of April. Several times a day I’d step outside with my camera to take photos of the SAME tulips over and over again.

I was in a race with the squirrels, and I didn’t want to miss any of the gorgeous colors. This was before I came up with the grand scheme to cage them all (which resulted in no further tulip beheadings I might add).

The tulips that were interplanted with daffodils were never bothered. For some reason I never made a plant tag for these tulips, so I don’t know their cultivar names. They’ve been returning each spring for almost 10 years now. I’m pretty sure they are Darwin tulips:

‘Candy Apple Delight’ was hiding in the daffodils, so all the blooms survived:

But poor ‘Daydream’ was not so fortunate. It endured the most beheadings of any of my tulips. Fortunately, I was able to capture a few photos before the damage was done:

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