‘Red Pearl’ Revisited

by Em

After more than 25 years of gardening I still can’t think of a red-flowering plant—indoors or out—that even comes close to rivaling the rich, intense red color of Amaryllis ‘Red Pearl’. I smile every time I walk in the room and catch even a glimpse of those stunning blooms.

‘Red Pearl’ grows about 20 inches tall, and the impressively-large, 8-inch+ flowers are thick and velvety with black undertones.

My plant has topped out at 20 inches. I could complain that there are only 3 flowers blooming on the scape, but quite frankly there wouldn’t be enough room for 4 flowers because they’re so huge. The bulb has also sent up a second scape that should bloom in the next week or two.

‘Red Pearl’ is a beautiful amaryllis that is guaranteed to brighten up your house on a “blah” winter’s day.

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jamesck18 January 11, 2016 - 8:54 am

I’m a little late, but hope you had a great Christmas and wishing you all the best in the new Year.
We’ve had very little snow but it has been very cold and very dull weather until the last couple of days; today about 32 degrees, but rain and wind for tonight. Your Red Pearl Amarillis is such an intense, glowing red. Looks great!
How’s your seed buying going? I’ve bought a few packs from Veseys and four packs from swallowtail. I’m planning to try Sahara again. Have to do most of my buying in Canada because of the falling Canadian dollar. At the moment i plan to start fewer plants under lights and buy more from the nurseries instead. James

Em January 12, 2016 - 5:39 pm

Hi James! Happy New Year to you as well. We’re in the deep freeze right now. Some starlings took a bath in my heated bird bath today and nearly killed me because they splashed so much water it made an instant slab of ice just outside the little door from our garage. Thankfully I caught myself before I took a tumble. By the end of the week we could be back to rain. This is just the weirdest winter.

Up until this point the weather has been quite mild, and many of my bulbs started to grow—some daffodils had growth more than 6 inches. All my overly-excited bulbs are now buried in several inches of snow with a hard crusty ice shell on top. It will be interesting to see if any of them survive.

I’m done with my seed orders. I’m still waiting for one more package to arrive from Stokes. I’m going to go very heavy on the zinnias and marigolds this year because they’re cheaper (and lets face it—they bloom longer than practically anything else). Since you didn’t get much of a summer last year, I hope this year you’ll get some great growing weather! 🙂

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