Bring on the Blooms!

by Em

Are you sick of winter? I usually run out of patience in January, but this year I made it to mid-February before I developed a raging case of spring fever. While I’m not sure what will become of my daffodils that grew more than 6 inches tall during a warm spell in December, I’m hoping at least some of my wiser bulbs held back enough to not be damaged by the weird weather we had in early winter.

I can’t wait for scenes like this:

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jamesck18 February 24, 2016 - 7:06 pm

Hope you have good luck with these harbingers of spring. While we’ve had a relatively mild winter with very little snow, it will be around the middle of May our tulips will be showing their beauty. The problem here is the winds, rain and fog.
Have you started any seeds yet. A few days ago I tested a packet of Cherry Brandy Rudbeckia to see if they were viable using the Baggie Method. All seeds sprouted! Couldn’t throw them out – using tweezers, I just transferred them from the Baggie and put them in a seed starting mix. Have you ever tried the Cherry Brandy? The remainder of my Rudbeckia will be going into baggies in a day or two, including Sahara. I was thinking I’d also germinate Autumn Forest, Moroccan and Denver Daisy. The only one, other than the C B, is Autumn Forest, but I want to take a chance. Can always get old standbys at the Nursery. Take care, James.

Em February 26, 2016 - 3:51 pm

I started my rudbeckias and begonias on Monday. Everything was humming along fine until yesterday when both my husband and I forgot to turn on the plant lights in the morning, so the seeds sat in the dark for most of yesterday. Oops! This morning I did notice a couple of tiny sprouts, so they’re germinating a lot faster than they did last year or the year before!

It’s been awhile since I’ve grown ‘Cherry Brandy’. I love the color of the flowers. I don’t remember having any issues with that cultivar–I should try it again.

I’m glad your seeds are cooperating. I hope you’ll have good weather this year so your flowers can thrive! 🙂

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