Lovely Lilies

by Em
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Last weekend the weather was beautiful with a warm, southerly breeze that felt like it was coming straight out of Florida or Texas. Okay, so the temperatures were only in the mid-50s, but in Wisconsin that’s warm for February. This week March did indeed come in like a lion, and we were back to the cold-and-snowy routine. My antidote is to gaze at flower photos knowing spring and warmer temperatures will soon be here to stay.

Below are some images of Orienpet lilies I have grown. I haven’t run into a disappointing cultivar yet. What I love about Orienpets is that they try to outdo themselves every year. The stalks grow taller and sturdier, and the number of flowers increases. The only challenge I ever have with them is that sometimes the chipmunks and squirrels chew on the stalks and leaves. I remedied that this past summer by putting a 6″ cage around the bottom of each lily stalk, and that was enough to deter any critters. I wish I’d thought of that solution sooner.

If you live in Zones 5-9 you really should give Orienpets a try. While fall is a great time to plant bulbs, you can also plant lilies in the spring. You can find them for sale at garden centers, and online at B&D Lilies (no affiliation).

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