Orienpet Lily ‘Eudoxia’

by Em
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I love the luscious melon color of ‘Eudoxia’ Orienpet lilies. The mostly-outfacing flowers appear on 3 to 4-foot-tall stalks. I like to plant Orienpet lilies in the middle of a flowerbed so they tower above the other perennials when they are in bloom in late July and early August.

Orienpets thrive in full sun or part-shade. In my yard ‘Eudoxia’ blooms happily under a Shagbark Hickory tree. Many Orienpet cultivars can handle full sun in hotter climate zones, but there are a few—including ‘Eudoxia’—that appreciate a little afternoon shade to prevent the flowers from fading.

‘Eudoxia’ isn’t just a looker. The flowers are fragrant and you can cut them for flower arrangements. In the garden they last for several weeks.

‘Eudoxia’ is available right now at B&D Lilies (no affiliation). You can also plant the bulbs in the fall.

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