Tulipa Tarda

by Em

Look at these festive lemon-yellow blooms! Tulipa tarda is another species tulip that will return for you year after year without fuss. The bulbs produce offsets as well as set seed, so over time your display will spread.

Flowers 5-2-16 (28) (Small)

Tulipa tarda grows 4 to 6 inches tall with 2-inch-wide, star-shaped flowers.

The rodents don’t disturb my species tulips. I assume it’s because the flowers and bulbs are too small to bother with. Another benefit of species tulips is that when the plants are done blooming the foliage dies back quickly unlike the larger garden tulips.

Tulipa tarda bulbs are inexpensive. You can get 10 bulbs for less than 4 bucks at Brent and Becky’s bulbs (no affiliation). I planted several clumps in the front row of some of my flowerbeds, and I want to add more this fall because the dazzling little gems really brighten up the spring yard.




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