Iris ‘Rosalie Figge’ has a reputation for reblooming, but since I’ve never actually seen it bloom in the spring I was very surprised to discover a big purple flower on my plant the other day along with two stems full of buds ready to burst open.
I planted this iris two years ago, and it hasn’t bloomed until now. I protected the rhizome with chicken wire so the critters couldn’t bury it. Bearded irises are very picky about their planting depth and will refuse to bloom if they get buried too deeply.
My experience with bearded irises is mostly a tale of woe, and I was already thinking of digging out ‘Rosalie Figge’ next spring. She must’ve caught wind of my plan and decided to take action.
‘Rosalie Figge’ grows 36 to 40 inches tall with deep-violet blooms that appear (for most people) in late spring. Plants are drought-resistant and are not bothered by rodents. Bearded irises prefer moist, well-draining soil in full to part-sun.
So if my plant never bloomed in the spring, is it really a rebloomer or just a late bloomer?