Seasonal ‘Splash’

by Em
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My first amaryllis to burst into bloom this season is ‘Splash’, and that’s because it only grows 16-20 inches tall.

My amaryllis bulbs always grow much shorter than they’re supposed to and ‘Splash’ is no exception. My plant has topped out at 10 inches tall.

The showy, fire-engine-red and white double flowers stretch to about 6 inches wide.

My plant has one scape with three flowers in bloom and three buds waiting in reserve to take their place. I’ve never seen that habit with any of the amaryllis bulbs I’ve grown in the past. Usually the flowers on each scape open at the same time.

‘Splash’ is perfect for a sunny desk area or counter top because it’s so small. And there’s no danger of this plant toppling over because it’s too compact to throw off the weight of the pot.

This is an easy-to-care-for plant that adds a punch of color to the holiday season.




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