The Great Tulip Massacre

by Em

The results are in and the bulb devastation in my flowerbeds was much worse than I ever imagined. Out of the hundreds of tulips that I planted in 2015 and 2016, only a handful survived the greedy clutches of chipmunk, squirrels and voles.

They even ate all my species tulips which are supposed to be much less attractive to varmints. Some of my species tulips were more than 5 years old and the bulbs were starting to naturalize. Not a single species tulip bloomed in my yard this year.

I adore tulips and their gorgeous, bold colors, but they just aren’t worth the hassle to me in time (digging) and money (expensive rodent food) anymore. From now on I’ll just have to enjoy other people’s tulips or stare longingly at past photos of my once-lovely bulb collection:





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ear April 28, 2017 - 11:59 am

How sad that you can’t enjoy your tulips any longer. Do these varmints leave the daffodils and other spring-blooming plants alone?

Em May 4, 2017 - 7:06 pm

Thankfully it’s mostly the tulips they devour! 🙁

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