My Favorite Orienpet Lily

by Em
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When my ‘Belladonna’ (which means “beautiful lady”) Orienpet lilies start blooming in mid-July I barely get anything done because I’m too busy snapping photos of those gorgeous yellow flowers.

Unlike some of my other Orienpet lilies which can get as tall as 9+ feet, ‘Belladonna’ has stayed at a respectable 4 feet tall year after year.

The stems are sturdy and the flowers have a light, lovely fragrance.

I think one of the bulbs in my order several years ago was either an interloper or it mutated because it always sends up similarly-colored yellow flowers but with freckles (which I LOVE).

‘Belladonna’ grows from a bulb and is hardy in Zones 5-9 (although it has survived some intense winters in my yard without any protection, so if you’re in Zone 4 it’s worth the gamble).






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