Take a ‘Honeymoon’!

by Em
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Despite all the rain we had in June and July, lily season was spectacular this year. I had to stake up some of my lilies more than other years because soft soil and continuous pounding rain caused many of them to lean over, but thankfully not a single lily snapped off this year.

One of the new Orienpet cultivars I planted last fall debuted with an impressive number of flowers.

‘Honeymoon’ has very large, light-yellow flowers with a slightly darker center.

‘Honeymoon’ grows 4 to 6 feet tall. The plants thrive in full sun but they will also happily light up a part-shade area. And the soft yellow flowers would look lovely anchoring a cottage garden.

Those 9-inch flowers start appearing in mid-July. I cut some to bring inside for an arrangement, and they lasted almost 2 weeks.

‘Honeymoon’ has a light fragrance, and the plants are hardy in Zones 4-8.






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