Two Full Moons

by Em
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Before the rain and wind arrived on Monday, I pulled out all the flowers from my pots and planters and cut back many of my front-yard perennials.

I left some mums which were still blooming, and I was pleasantly surprised to discover that my ‘Full Moon’ Coreopsis was still sending up flowers and the plant was loaded with buds.

I was so enamored with this plant that I split it this spring even though it had only been growing in my yard for one season. I wanted to buy another one but couldn’t find it for sale anywhere so dividing was my only option if I wanted another one.

Even at the end of September after about 6 weeks with only a trace of rain, my divided plant and my original were still blooming like crazy:

This coreopsis grows 18 to 24 inches tall. The plants start flowering in July and will continue to bloom for months and months until there’s a hard frost.

I would love to plant even more of these throughout my yard. The bees and butterflies are crazy about the flowers and the light-yellow color blends well with any garden companions.

If I can’t find this cultivar for sale again next spring, I’ll probably divide my plant a second time. That’s how much I love ‘Full Moon’ Coreopsis.



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