Flashy Phlox

by Em

I’m pretty sure my ‘Purple Flame’ Phlox is a mutant, and I love it. The plants are supposed to have magenta-purple flowers which my plant does, but the petals of my plant are also brushed with streaks of bluish-purple. It’s a really cool effect.

I thought the oddity might work its way out of the plant after the first year, but for three years in a row now I’ve been able to enjoy these fascinating, vivid flowers.

‘Purple Flame’ is a dwarf phlox that grows 12 to 18 inches tall in a small bushy clump. If you buy one, you probably won’t get flowers as cool as mine, but I would still recommend this pretty, carefree phlox for the front of a flower border.

‘Purple Flame’ is hardy in Zones 3-9.



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ear October 31, 2017 - 11:34 am

Hi Em, I wrote a comment a short time ago, but don’t know if it was posted. I’ll try again.
I love the blue/purple phlox. Such a vivid color.
Do you remember where you got the seeds/plants? I’d like to get this plant in my garden. I don’t have any plants with such a beautiful color.

Em October 31, 2017 - 4:58 pm

Hi LT!
I got ‘Purple Flame’ from the Flower Factory. I just looked at their 2017 catalog and they did sell it again this year, so hopefully they plan to keep selling it!

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