Don’t Mess with Success

by Em
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I’m thrilled to see that my mystery tulips survived whatever creature was trying to dig them up last fall.

These tulips came with the house when my husband bought it in the late 1980s. That would make them 30-40 years old depending on when the original homeowner planted them. I can’t even get tulips to rebloom from one year to the next much less every year for more than 30 years!

The bulbs grow in a patch of what I can only call “dirt” under our dryer vent. In the summer that area doesn’t get a lot of rain and I’ve never remembered to water these tulips, yet they continue to thrive year after year.

I really should dig up the bulbs and divide them, but I just don’t have the heart to disturb them. Plus it would be like putting a neon sign on the area for hungry chipmunks and squirrels.

Don’t mess with success.

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