Nasty Native Groundcover

by Em

There’s no time to write a blog post because I need to water my flowers. Oh wait. It rained AGAIN! A local meteorologist said yesterday that for the first 20 days of June, Madison experienced measurable rain on 14 of those days. Rain is also in the forecast for today and tomorrow and most days in the extended forecast.

I can hear the chorus of clearweed rejoicing. Clearweed loves moist conditions. I would not be surprised to discover I have more than a million of the plants (weeds!) growing in my backyard right now. They are even sprouting up in the shady parts of the lawn!

This flowerbed was already weeded twice in the last 5 days, but the clearweed just laughs. The plants make an instant carpet, and now they’re snuggling closer and closer to the base of all my bushy perennials so they are harder to see and to pull out, and the self-seeding continues.

You can see one of the little carpets starting to form on the left side of this green and white hosta. I weeded that area just a few days ago, too.

Someone recommended this plant as a “great native groundcover” on a neighborhood social media site recently. I laughed. Oh, it’s a groundcover alright. And at the rate it’s going in just my yard, it’s eventually going to take over the whole city. I still don’t know how I got it in the first place. It just showed up out of nowhere a couple of years ago.

Perhaps I should take advantage of the post about this “great native groundcover” and tell everyone they can come to my yard and dig some up for free. Although I’d need about a million people to show up to make a dent…

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