Forgotten Front Yard

by Em
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I often overlook my front yard flowers (and apparently some weeds from the looks of things!) because they just do their thing with little work on my part. And thankfully I have some great daylily cultivars that love to show off whether I’m looking or not. This year they’ve been having a spectacular year.

‘Now and Zen’ has 4-inch flowers on 25-inch-tall scapes. The flowers are a bright orangey-gold with a maroon eye. This one’s a dependable bloomer. The flowers keep coming for weeks and weeks.

‘Raspberry Goosebumps’ is a little fancier with it’s frilly purple flowers edged in cream and gold plus it has a contrasting golden-yellow throat.

The plants grow 28 inches tall but I stuck mine in the front of the flower border so when I remember to visit my front yard flowers, I don’t miss these lovelies.

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