Too Damp for Daylily Dividing

by Em
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This is the time of year when I would normally divide my daylilies, but for the third year in a row, it’s just been too wet. We’ve had almost 10 inches of rain in the last 2 weeks or so. In fact I’ve given up keeping track of it all. Last year we had record flooding rains and the year before that was also very wet.

Usually you can tell that daylilies need dividing when they get stingy with their blooms, but some are sneaky. They won’t have a lot of foliage so you think they’re fine. But then you stick a shovel in the ground and find out their rhizomes are stretching for two feet or more underground.

I also have dozens of species lily bulbs coming this month that will need to be planted and that don’t like wet feet, so I hope mother nature stops the waterworks soon!

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