Crushed by Clearweed

by Em
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I was sorting through some digital photos recently when I found this one of a baby rabbit eating clearweed. This weed has become the bane of my gardening existence. It thrives in moist, shady conditions, and for the last several years our summers have been extremely moist. I’ve got this weed growing in all of my flowerbeds now, and it’s even popping up in the shady areas of my lawn.

I can pull and pull (at least it comes out easily), but a day or two later, hundreds upon hundreds more of these weeds appear. They form a carpet among all my annuals and perennials and even try to grow in between the emerging stems in the crowns of my plants.

Of all the garden issues I’ve ever faced (pests like Japanese beetles, plants diseases, hungry rodents), this weed has been the most vexing garden challenge and the most disheartening. I try and try, but I can’t keep up.

I wish I could train all baby bunnies to eat that weed instead of my annuals and perennials, and then I’d invite a whole herd of rabbits to live in my yard.

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