Quarantine Walks

by Em
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Keeping a distance from others has been getting more difficult as more and more of my neighbors are taking walks to combat quarantine cabin fever. I’ve never seen so many people out and about (or so many dogs!) at the same time in my neighborhood.

I’ve seen people on Nextdoor in other neighborhoods complain that they’ve felt bullied while on walks—someone comes toward them on the sidewalk and won’t move over.

I don’t need that kind of drama, so for the last several days I’ve walked early in the morning. I think many people are sleeping in because they don’t know what else to do with all of their free time. And yesterday it started raining, so I figured that would be a great time to get outside and avoid the “crowds”. I saw 6 people and 2 dogs.

Thankfully the spring flowers continue to pop up everywhere and give all of us something new to look at on our many walks. One of my neighbors always has a whole front yard full of early-spring-blooming bulbs like snowdrops and crocuses.

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