Marigold ‘Big Duck Gold’

by Em
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Marigold ‘Big Duck Gold’ is a 2019 All-America Selections winner, so I thought I’d give it a try this year.

The plants are very robust. They’re supposed to grow 15 inches tall, so I thought it would be okay to put them in the front row with some Dreamland zinnias that reach about 14 inches. But ‘Big Duck Gold’ grew all big and bushy and even blocked out the zinnias behind it. Clearly this is not a front-row marigold (there’s a ‘Durango Tangerine’ marigold to its left for scale).

The flowers are bright gold and huge, and the plants branch out in every direction.

A saw a Japanese beetle trying to wiggle its way into the petals, but they were too tightly-whorled together for the little beast to make any headway. One more plus for ‘Big Duck Gold’.

I would definitely grow this marigold again.

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