Lantana ‘Bandana Cherry Sunrise’

by Em
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I impulse-purchased a couple of lantana plants that I had intended to use in one of my patio pots, but they ultimately ended up in the front row of my porch flowerbed. It’s anchored in the back with tomato plants, but this year I wanted all the other plants in that bed to be hummingbird-friendly. So I also added salvias and nicotianas, and even a few four o’clocks which I haven’t grown in decades.

The lantana I picked out is a Proven Winner called ‘Bandana Cherry Sunrise’

Lantana leaves can cause a rash or skin irritation and are considered toxic to livestock, pets and children. Unless you consider all the rabbits in my yard “livestock” I don’t have anything to worry about.

This particular cultivar grows up to 2 feet tall and wide and prefers full sun. I don’t have full sun anywhere in my yard anymore, so my plants will have to be satisfied with part-sun conditions.

Lantana plants love the heat and appreciate well-drained soil.

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