Pink Poinsettia

by Em
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I wasn’t going to buy a poinsettia plant this year, but I visited an out-of-town greenhouse recently and, well, things happen when a gardener is in a greenhouse no matter what time of year it is.

I love those giant, colorful Christmas lights!

While I was distracted by all the Christmas decorations and plants, my friend discovered a 4-foot-tall poinsettia plant for sale. It’s the biggest one I’ve ever seen! She asked me to guess how much they are selling it for (the ones in 6-inch pots were 9 dollars!) and I guessed $200. She guessed $500, but we were both wrong—only $100! It would look really festive on a stage or at the front of a church somewhere during the holiday season, so I hope someone with a few too many dollars lying around snatches it up. Although they are going to need a big SUV to transport it since these plants are sensitive to cold and it’s December in Wisconsin!

I came away with a small poinsettia plant. And no matter where I put it to try to to snap a photo I just can’t get the camera to show that it’s hot pink and not red. You’ll have to use your imagination!

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