A Poinsettia in Every Color

by Em

In my search for a poinsettia last weekend I was surprised to discover how many colors are now available.

A photo of a bright blue poinsettia

In prior years I’ve seen the bright purples and blues for sale, but now it’s become an art form!

A photo of a garden center display filled with poinsettias of various bright colors
A photo of a bright yellow poinsettia with lime green leaf margins with a bright blue poinsettia behind it

Bracts may even have smatterings of different colors on them:

A photo of a white poinsettia splashed with light blues, pinks and purples
A photo of a poinsettia splashed with orange, pink, green and blue
A photo of a white poinsettia splashed with dark blues and purples

Here’s a video of how it’s done. The ink that man is using is ethanol-based:

Some poinsettias still have the classic look, but have contrasting variegated foliage. I almost got one of those but Jill talked me out of it:

A photo of a red poinsettia with variegated leaves

I opted for the middle ground and picked out two small poinsettias. One is light pink:

A photo of a light pink poinsettia

But the other is one of those “designer” poinsettias. It’s white splattered with mint green and pink and adorned with glitter:

A photo of a white poinsettia splashed with mint green and pink and glitter
A photo of two poinsettias in a bay window

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