The Trail Ends Here

by Em
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Tonight is our first Freeze Watch and there are snow flurries in the forecast for tomorrow evening. I have a lot of red peppers to harvest today before the chilly temperatures turn them all to mush!

I’ve already seen snow at Rocky Mountain National Park. In fact, this is as far as we were allowed to drive the day we visited the park:

The first snowstorm of the season occurred just before we arrived, and it closed part of the popular Trail Ridge Road:

Beyond the “road closed” sign you couldn’t see any snow on the curving road ahead, and it was driving the tourists crazy that they couldn’t continue driving. While we were taking photographs of the mountains, some park rangers came down from the closed area and were immediately surrounded by visitors begging them to reopen the road. The gates remained in place.

Later at one of the visitor centers, a ranger showed us a photograph that had been taken in the closed area earlier that morning. It showed one lonely snowplow in a sea of white trying to push through snowdrifts higher than its cab. And that was after just one snowfall.

Suddenly Wisconsin winters seem very tame.

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