“Not Bedouin Tattoo” Still Going Strong

by Em

In 2011 I purchased a daylily that I thought was ‘Bedouin Tattoo’ but once it started blooming I knew I had been sold the wrong cultivar.

Twelve years later and I still have no idea what cultivar I’m growing. If I did I would be able to tell everyone to buy one for themselves!

This mystery daylily has pretty, 6-inch wine-red flowers with a hot-pink watermark and a gold throat. The scapes grow about 28 inches tall. Every year since I have planted it, it has churned out flowers for weeks and weeks. Those flowers look especially fetching growing next to any shade of pink flowers.

Something else I love about this mystery cultivar is that the flowers hold their color—even when temperatures are in the 90s(F).

Here are the flowers in the morning:

And here are those same flowers after a day in the hot afternoon sun:

The number of daylily cultivars numbers in the tens of thousands, so this one will continue to be a delightful mystery.

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