‘Ruby Kiss’

by Em
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Last year I tried a new-to-me coreopsis called ‘Ruby Kiss’. The plants are very easy to sprout from seed and they grow 46 inches tall with lacy foliage that “floats” above the other plants in the garden. They can be planted in the middle or back of a flowerbed and they won’t block out other annuals and perennials.

Coreopsis 'Ruby Kiss'
Coreopsis 'Ruby Kiss'

While I was impressed with this cultivar last year, I always like to grow something for at least 2 growing seasons before I decide whether or not to stick with it. Every growing season is different. This summer the drought has been a challenge, but these plants kept on happily blooming.

Coreopsis 'Ruby Kiss'
Coreopsis 'Ruby Kiss'

Those little burgundy-red centers contrasting with the white petals is an unusual color combination that really stands out in my flowerbeds.

While I’ve not had any insect problems with ‘Ruby Kiss’, some of my plants have died out in late summer. I lost a couple last year, and right now I have one plant.

These plants prefer full sun. They will still bloom nicely in part-sun, but because they grow so tall they are susceptible to toppling in a strong breeze or thunderstorm, so you’ll want to stake them up.

I will definitely be growing ‘Ruby Kiss’ again next year.

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