Lantana ‘Bandana Black Cherry’

by Em
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In places where it can only thrive as an annual, lantana can be a tough, carefree plant for pots and planters. The pollinator-friendly flowers attract butterflies, bees and hummingbirds.

(Note: Some types are considered invasive in frost-free growing zones).

A photo of lantana flowers

I’ve always liked lantana’s fun, multi-colored flowers, but these plants prefer full sun and I have very little of that in my yard.

Earlier this month I purchased a couple of ‘Bandana Black Cherry’ lantana plants for pots on my patio. That area is also in partial-sun, but the sun it does get is during the hottest part of the day, so that will hopefully keep the plants happy.

A photo of lantana flowers

‘Bandana Black Cherry’ grows 15-20 inches tall. The plants can thrive in hot and dry conditions, and they don’t need deadheading.

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