The Bees are Back!

by Em

I’m relieved to see that some of the bees are back!

A photo of a honeybee visiting a verbena flower

Honeybees have been visiting my flowerbeds for last couple of days now, but there’s still a noticeable lack of bumblebees. A local expert thinks it has to do with the heavy rain flooding out their nests.

A photo of a honeybee sipping nectar from a purple zinnia

During the weeks I wasn’t seeing any bees I also checked other people’s gardens, some parks and even a native prairie in our county. All had few or no bees, so I knew it wasn’t just a problem with my yard or block.

I hope these pollinators are able to recover yet this season. The flowers are all blooming earlier than normal, so I’m expecting that by early August many of the perennials will already be done blooming for the year. By September nectar sources will be harder to find.

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