A friend and fellow gardener kindly let me know that an apple farm in our region was selling large fall mums (14-inch pots!) for only eleven dollars each. And even more fun, they were offering 3 different colors of mums in one gigantic hanging planter.
After yet another lovely Saturday hike last weekend, Jill and I traveled the extra miles to that apple farm just in time for me to pick up one of the last 3-in-one hanging mums. It’s a monster at almost 30 inches across!
My friend told me she cut off the hanger on hers. I don’t plan to hang my plant either, but I’m going to leave the hanger because if we get a frost or freeze warning in coming days I can easily move Big Bertha into my porch or garage overnight to prolong the blooms.
Because I don’t have to worry about frost, now my only nemesis is rabbits!