Songful Astilbes

by Em

I added a couple of astilbes to my newest flowerbed last spring. Part of the bed curves under a huge oak tree, and I needed some durable, shade-loving plants. Astilbes bloom for up to 6 weeks each summer. They need to be watered regularly, but other than that are easy to grow and have no pest or disease problems. They are my favorite shade/partial shade perennial.

Hybridizer Harrie Verduin has created a new music series of Astilbes. I found a couple of them at the Flower Factory last spring.

I purchased ‘Rhythm and Blues’ for its pretty, raspberry-pink plumes. ‘Rhythm and Blues’ grows 25 inches tall:

I didn’t want ‘Rhythm and Blues’ to be alone, so I paired it with the white flowers of ‘Rock and Roll’:

‘Rock and Roll’ is slightly shorter at 20 inches. Both plants bloomed in mid-summer and flourished in my new flowerbed.

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