Garden Winner: Tiarella ‘Sugar and Spice’

by Em
1 comment

I didn’t know the first thing about foamflowers (Tiarella) when I purchased one last spring. One of my flowerbeds meanders under the canopy of a giant oak tree, and I needed something pretty for the front of that shady border. The shiny green and red leaves of ‘Sugar and Spice’ intrigued me.

My plant sent up a few pinkish-white, bottlebrush flowers after I planted it last year, but I had no idea what a blooming fool ‘Sugar and Spice’ was until last week:

‘Sugar and Spice grows just 8 inches tall and sends up 12-inch flower scapes in late spring. It prefers moist, well-drained soil and thrives in partial or full shade. It has no pest or disease issues.

Whether in bloom or just showing off its fancy foliage, ‘Sugar and Spice’ a fantastic little plant for the front of a shady border.

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1 comment

ear May 19, 2010 - 6:42 pm

Hi Em,
Does “Sugar and Spice” multiply? If your plant gets too big and you want to share a bit of it, I’d gladly take a piece. It is beautiful and it looks like a good “filler-in” plant.


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