A Coneflower Surprise

by Em
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The rabbits in my yard really appreciate it when I attempt to grow the non-pink, hybrid coneflowers. The plants must have been bred with carrot flavoring because it’s rare that I get to see any of them bloom. While weeding the other day I was surprised to find these flowers buried in the middle of one of my daylily beds. The plant tag is so faded I can’t even read it anymore.

My guess is that the top and bottom flowers belong to Echinacea ‘Sundown’.  I probably planted it 5 or 6 years ago. I’m pleased at how lovely ‘Sundown’ looks with  ‘Magnus’, the middle flower. ‘Magnus’ is one of my favorite coneflowers. It’s sturdy with tons of blooms, and while Japanese Beetles love to munch on the flowers, the rabbits leave the plants alone.

It appears that all the beetles and rabbits missed this trio. What a rare treat it is to find some undisturbed coneflowers in my yard.

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