Don’t Mess with ‘Grandaddy’

by Em
1 comment

How’s this for a whopper?

I tried to stick with disease-resistant hybrids and earlier-fruiting tomatoes this year in case late blight reared its ugly head. Of the eleven (new-to-me) cultivars I tried, ‘Grandaddy’ was the most impressive.

The determinate plants are bushy and grow about 3 feet tall. The fruits are supposed to weigh between 12 and 16 ounces, but most of mine leapfrogged that benchmark with gusto.

‘Grandaddy’ isn’t just a big, fat, pretty face either. Look what you get when you peek inside:

The yummy slices are meaty and nearly seedless. They’re wonderful in burgers, sandwiches and salads.

And for the Pièce de résistance, ‘Grandaddy’ will happily sit unblemished on your counter for several weeks while you figure out all the different ways you’d like to eat them.

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1 comment

ear August 31, 2010 - 12:10 pm

Hi Em,
Beautiful, beautiful tomato! I don’t have “Granddaddy”. Will have to try it next year. I like the thought of being able to leave this tomato on the counter for a long period of time without it “going south”.

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