Rolling With the Punches

by Em

In September I noticed a seedling sprouting in the ugly area near our cable box and faucet. It looked like it might be a nicotiana so I let it grow. As it got bigger and beefier, I started to wonder if perhaps I was nurturing a giant weed. At that point the plant was in a race with a killing frost anyway, so I let it be.

Well it finally bloomed a few days ago, and it is indeed a nicotiana. That poor plant has faced quite a few challenges since sprouting in September. We’ve had temperature swings from the low 20s to the upper 80s. For over six weeks it didn’t rain a drop. Then in October the winds howled up to 60 miles per hour for several days. The nicotiana not only survived, but thrived. It’s over 2 feet tall with thick, sturdy stems. It’s too bad the growing season is over because from the looks of it, the plant has about 2 months of blooms packed in those stems and leaves that are just itching to get out.

All the other annuals in my flowerbeds bit the dust last week when the temperature hit 24 degrees, but my nicotiana must have been close enough to the house to stay warm.

We’re enjoying temperatures in the 60s for a few days which is very unusual for November. At least I have one bright spot in my otherwise brown yard.

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ear November 11, 2010 - 5:01 pm

This is unbelievable, em! What a sturdy looking plant. And the color of the bloom is beautiful. Good thing you left it alone so it can provide a little bit more of summer for you.

Em November 11, 2010 - 5:14 pm

Yeah, we’re living on borrowed time. The very NW part of the state is under a Winter Storm Watch for this weekend. It won’t be long!

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