Tulip Jail

by Em
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I flew out of the house like it was on fire the other day when I spotted two squirrels taking down an entire clump of tulip blossoms. One of the marauders still had a tulip in his mouth. I chased him to the edge of the yard yelling like a crazy person, but the damage had already been done:

I went back inside the house, but not for long. I couldn’t concentrate on my work because I knew the squirrels would be back to take down the other tulips scattered throughout the yard. It was time for action. I found a roll of chicken wire in the garage and proceeded to “jail” all my remaining tulips. There weren’t that many clumps to cover because most had already been plundered. I should’ve hatched my brilliant plan a week earlier.

The cages aren’t much to look at, but I haven’t had an incident since. The flowers shine brightly from inside their little jail cells.

And up close they’re still a thing of beauty:

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