And the Winner Is….

by Em
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The 2010 winner of the Earliest Daylily Scape goes to….

‘Jen Melon’!!!!!

Not only is it the most robust first scape I’ve ever had, but it also beat the record holder by one week. Several years ago ‘Double Cutie’ sent up a scape in mid-April, but it was subsequently destroyed in a late spring snowstorm.

This particular plant has had a rough life. When we landscaped the front yard several years ago, I didn’t have space to temporarily relocate all my plants into proper locations. ‘Jen Melon’ spent a year in deep shade. She stayed alive, but she didn’t bloom. I put her back in the front yard last spring, but she was still mad at me and didn’t grow very much or send up any scapes. All that bottled-up energy is finally bubbling to the surface. This is one massive scape.

‘Jen Melon’ is a pretty, fragrant daylily that grows 26 inches with 5-inch blooms:

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