I Second That

by Em
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It will be several weeks before I start sowing seeds for this year’s garden, but yesterday I decided to go to the garden center to buy some of my seed-starting supplies as an excuse to get out of the house.

Nothing boosts my spirits more in winter than seeing the transformation at the garden center. Gone are the discounted Christmas ornaments and the wreaths and garlands. In their place are plump bags of soil, fertilizers and fresh grass seed. Everywhere you look there are shelves bursting with new seed packets that hold the promise of juicy tomatoes, creamy squash and flowers of every size and color.

This winter has been just as unbearable as last year’s so far. And while I know deep down that purchasing garden supplies isn’t going to speed the onset of spring, it makes me feel like I am, so please let this gal with cabin fever have her delusions.

The woman in front of me in the checkout line must’ve been having the same thoughts.  Barely able to contain herself, she whirled around with a big smile on her face and exclaimed to me “Isn’t this exciting!?” In her hands were two seed trays and a small bag of soil.

I couldn’t have said it better myself.

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