Awash in White

by Em
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Usually when we get a heavy wet snow overnight, it sticks to trees and shrubs for just a few hours the next day until the sun melts it away or a breeze blows it off. But last week we had heavy rain followed by heavy snow overnight, and the quick switchover made the snow stickier than usual—it stayed on the trees and shrubs for days instead of hours. In fact some trees couldn’t handle the extra weight and they lost large branches.

My husband and I took a drive through some of the more natural areas of our city the next afternoon, and I’ve never seen anything like it. If it weren’t for signs and stoplights and the occasional turkey, human or vehicle, you could almost believe that the world had lost all of its color and turned to black and white—like a reverse of the old Wizard of Oz movie that changed to color once Dorothy found herself in Oz!

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