More Like This One, Please

by Em
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Usually by this time in the winter season I’m climbing the walls with cabin fever, but our lack of snow and cold has been liberating. I wouldn’t mind a few more winters like this one. I didn’t suffer my usual bout of winter doldrums, and because it was never bitterly cold except for a handful of days, it was much easier to motivate to exercise.

I also didn’t feel that insurmountable urge to stuff my face with comfort foods and snacks for weeks on end, although if someone wanted to bring me a bag of Doritos right now I certainly wouldn’t turn them away…

Being able to drive or walk anywhere without having to worry about sliding into a ditch or falling down has been another great perk of this mild winter. On more than a few days I was able to take a long walk without wearing a hat or mittens. That rarely happens in December or January.

Yes, this has been my kind of winter.

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